How Can I Help?
By making a Donation
We often take the gift of conversation for granted. But as our aphasia stories so vividly illustrate, aphasia can happen to anyone and when it does, even the simplest conversation can become daunting.
Donations fund our services, programmes and resources. We receive no government or guaranteed funding.
AphasiaNZ is a registered charity with donee status, meaning you can claim 33.33% of your donation as a tax credit from the IRD.
Please donate today to help us give a voice to people with aphasia.
Charities Services Registration: CC47907
Through Planned Giving
Whether support through an outright gift or planned gift such as a Bequest, all of our resources and programmes are made possible through the generosity and commitment of people like you. Bequests and other planned gifts sustain the work of AphasiaNZ. A planned gift to AphasiaNZ helps ensure the future of our services, programmes and resources which we provide in our communities, and can help you further your financial goals.
What are Planned Gifts?
The most common type of planned gift is a charitable bequest in a person’s Will. Bequests can take a variety of forms:
- Deferred Bequest – A gift that provides for any relatives or friends during their lifetimes, but also benefits AphasiaNZ after their deaths
- Percentage of Estate – A gift of a specific percentage of your estate
- Residual Bequest – This type of gift involves leaving all or a portion of the remaining assets of your estate after all debts, taxes, fees and other bequests have been paid
- Specific Bequest – A gift of a fixed sum of money, property, shares and/or valuables of various descriptions
A bequest to AphasiaNZ, no matter how small, is an investment in the future of our communities.
If you would like to receive our information package about planned gifts or discuss donating to AphasiaNZ, please contact the Executive Officer by calling the AphasiaNZ office on 07 220 9973.
By Volunteering
Volunteering provides an opportunity to meet new people, learn new skills, and give something back to your community.
Some of the ways that volunteers can help us include:
- Assisting with activities such as workshops and education sessions,
- Helping at Kōrero Clubs and support group meetings,
- Providing office support,
- Helping with one-off or ongoing fundraising projects.
If you are interested in volunteering your time, we would love to hear from you – please contact us.
AphasiaNZ resources at a recent Aphasia Day